MPR's technical evaluations have been used to make long-term investment and run-or-retire plant decisions.
As society continues to transition towards carbon free energy generation, nuclear power will remain as a foundation energy source and is needed for stable generation of electricity. MPR continues to be an important part of the nuclear industry and its success. Our origins and roots are connected such that our team possesses the required technical knowledge, rigor, and operational experience in nuclear technologies which lead to delivering success for our clients.
MPR provides a wide range of solutions to support our nuclear technology clients and their overall business strategies. Our engineers possess the technical “can do” attitude with the programmatic “have done” experience. MPR knows what works - and as an independent resource, we provide solutions to operating nuclear stations, the development of nuclear technologies, and advanced reactor studies.
Licensing Strategies and Implementation
MPR advises our clients on regulatory matters and has a well-established credibility with the regulator.
Our licensing strategies cover all aspects of traditional operating nuclear plant needs. We combine the technical and programmatic solutions with a coherent regulatory and licensing strategy, allowing for the economical and safe operation of our clients’ nuclear reactors.
MPR has also adapted these same licensing strategies for advanced nuclear technology by:
- Authoring several EPRI guides: Advanced Light Water Reactor Utility Requirements Document (URD), the subsequent revisions including Revision 13 to include small modular reactors (SMRs), and the Owners-Operator Requirements Guide (ORG) for Advanced Reactors.
- Developing regulatory alternatives for licensing high burn-up fuel (i.e. Accident Tolerant Fuels program)
- Providing support for licensing strategies for SMR, sodium fast reactors, and high temperature gas reactor designs
- Working with various Medical Radioisotope production technologies supporting licensing strategies and technology development.
Nuclear Safety Analysis and Fuel Qualification
MPR is a one-stop shop for nuclear engineering, fuels, and transportation solutions. MPR has on-going experience in safety analysis and fuel design across a wide variety of applications and portions of the fuel lifecycle. MPR brings a knowledge of engineering, research, operations, and business perspectives to provide integrated solutions to client needs. MPR also provides shipping solutions, including the design, testing, and licensing of nuclear material shipping containers. Example MPR capabilities are:
- Core Physics Support
- Criticality Safety Analysis
- Design and testing of shipping containers (10CFR71 and IAEA compliance)
- Dose consequence model development
- Distributed reactor kinetics evaluations
- Development of best-estimate methods to predict thermal margins
- Thermal-hydraulic and computational fluid dynamics
- Nuclear Fuel Design
- Development of source term models for multiple fuel systems
- Developed software to streamline accident analyses and severe accident modelling
- Evaluated alternative fuel technologies and qualification support
Nuclear and Major Component Design
MPR’s engineering team has extensive experience on nuclear plant design and supporting reactor components. As such, we have assisted with nearly every type of reactor design effort - we know what works, and what doesn’t. Some examples of MPR’s experience include:
- Developing ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code strategies for non-water reactors
- Preforming reactor vessel and internals design, including ASME Code applicability
- Leading the technical design of the ASME pressure vessels, safety-related valves, and control rod drive mechanisms for an SMR
- Performing independent review of maturity of advanced reactor conceptual design
- Developing helical coil steam generator designs for light-water and high temperature gas reactors
- In depth of knowledge of in-service Safety Related Valves, Pumps, Heat Exchangers, and other critical components.
- Developing strategies for instrumentation and control for reactor protection and other critical systems.

Integrating Project Engineering and Owner’s Engineer
As a trusted advisor, we provide our customers technical solutions with an overall programmatic view of how to implement these solutions. By providing this strategic combination, we are universally recognized as one of the top firms in the industry. Our team serves as a key partner with our client not only in engineering, design, analysis; but also as an advisor on financing, licensing, construction, project management and controls, supply chain, operations, and maintenance.
MPR has hundreds of combined years of professional experience and remains committed to our role as an integrating project engineering/owner’s engineer. As such, we define and use industry best practices:
- Set the project on a strong technical, regulatory, and contractual foundation
- Ensure in-depth knowledge of project status, threats and opportunities
- Identify and manage risks throughout the project
- Function as the glue among the key project stakeholders - thus driving integration, facilitating collaboration, and importantly serving as a key advisor to the Owner in understanding the special aspects of a nuclear power project
- Incorporating key Operational Experience to help ensure project success